

Sitting inside my nest I created, fluffy cold pillows molded to the shape of my upper half, I can't find it within me to fall asleep. I guess I'm stuck on this summertime schedule, can't fall asleep earlier than 3am and can't wake up earlier than 1pm...it does something to a person when on this kind of sleeping ritual. I wake up feeling depressed, and already far behind in trying to be productive. Then again, I keep telling myself it's ok, it's summer time!

Well, I can't keep using that excuse for long, Monday starts the end of summer, and beginning of my junior year of college. Although, it won't be a typical college year...I'm doing all of my classes online, at home in South Carolina.

I just graduated Bible college in Dallas, TX while ending it with a bang by traveling to Europe. I spent one week in each country (Germany, Holland, France, and Spain). It was the best experience of my life. Even though that was the first month of my summer, very well spent, the rest of my summer seems to overshadow that glorious experience...coming back home to a place where the only friends I can seem to find are my mother, father, sister, and her fiance...

Trying to climb out of my state of "loneliness", boredom, and did I mention unemployment, I find myself battling insomnia and starting a blog about my reality...

1 comment:

  1. Very good !!!
    See photrom.fr
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